Change comes about slowly and sometimes it feels like nothing is happening and we are struggling alone. But never fear- there are hundreds of people just like you that are getting to work, I want to let you know about actions planned all over Australia this 10/10/10. I want to start way up in the NT where people are cycling 3.5km’s in Palmerston to promote better, smarter transport options. In Melbourne The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre is being retrofitted, improving the waste, water and energy systems. A local school is also installing solar panels on the science buildings. Mount Gambier in SA is hosting a Music and Garden Fair, demonstrating the many many ways locals can reduce their carbon footprint. In Hornsby, NSW, people are getting their hands dirty, a regeneration of a river bank will be taking place. The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change is organising people of all faiths to cycle to their place of worship over the whole weekend- let’s hope continues. Macquarie University is leading the way by having a whole afternoon of action, with an organic bbq and talks, followed by planting “3-5-0” into the campus, which will be a great reminder for time to come about the most important number in the world. And there are many, many more- if we added up the amount of trees that will be planted, pledges made, friends met, gardens blitzed, car trips missed and bikes repaired it would be astronomical. We are well on our way to making a better world and I haven’t even started on what’s happening in other countries all over the globe yet….