Become a activist

It’s only a growing, connected, strategic and passionate social movement that can take back our democracy from the hands of the fossil fuel lobby.

As a activist, you’ll join a network of diverse people working online, in their communities and at a national level for the change we need to make our vision for climate justice a reality

You’ll learn new skills, meet likeminded people and be part of winning campaigns that keep fossil fuels in the ground and change the world for the better.

Anyone can take part no matter the colour of your skin, your age, your job or your ability. We believe that to change everything, we need everyone, and that when we realise our collective power – we can win!

Sign up and we’ll be in touch to find out more about how you want to get involved.

350 local group network

We have a network of local groups across the country that you can join to take action on 350 campaigns. Each group is coordinated by a paid organiser and a team of committed volunteers who organise events, actions, meet with decision makers, have fun and learn together.

Click on the link of your nearest local group to sign up and someone from our team will be in touch with you. No local group near you? Fill in the form above and we can talk through other options.

Local groups

Local Group Contact person Sign up link
350 Melbourne Lavanya Pant
350 Canberra Alessandro Moliterno
350 Brisbane Beatrice Valek
350 Eurobodalla Jack Egan
Fossil Free SA Richard Bentley


What does being a Activist look like?

To change everything, we need everyone. That means everyday people from diverse backgrounds, working together to change the world.

We have local groups across the continent and they are the grassroots power of our campaigns. By working together towards a common goal, running tactics in our own communities, we’re more powerful than when we work alone.

Depending on how much time you have and what you’re interested in, you can do a whole range of tasks to help the movement grow and win campaigns.

You might attend a training, talk to bank staff, write letters, sign people up at market stalls, take photos, book venues, do research, enter data, create social media content, turn up to an action, paint a banner – what ever tickles your fancy!

There’s nothing better than the feeling of being surrounded by people who also ‘get it’ – to act together and win campaigns is the greatest antidote to despair.

Creative and crafty? Join our Artivist Collective 🎨

Join our incredible squad of artists who create & design beautiful content and resources to support the movement.

Any skill level, no matter your craft: Painter, illustrator, musician, graphic designer, sewing or weaving, meme maker, spoken word, cartoonist, knitting, puppets… everyone is welcome in the collective.

Get crafty!