November 4, 2016

Paris Agreement enters into force while Australia lags

MELBOURNE, 4 November. says that the entry into force today of the Paris Agreement is futher proof that Australia is lagging behind as the rest of the world moves on climate change.

“Far from fostering innovation in Australia, Malcolm Turnbull and his Government have left Australia embarrassingly adrift as the rest of the world unleash actions and investment that will see their economies transition from fossil fuels to clean energy,” Campaigns Director, Charlie Wood said.

“The Paris Agreement represented a turning point globally in the fight against climate change is by keeping fossil fuels in the ground and accelerate the shift of finance to build a renewable energy system that works for people and the planet. So far the Australian Government has fought tooth and nail against this change: waging war on renewables, promoting the gas industry and trying to clear the road for the development of one of the world’s largest coal mines.

“Around the country, and the world there is a powerful and growing fossil fuel resistance movement that is pushing our institutions and governments to divest and break free from fossil fuels to prioritize people and the planet. We will continue building a people’s climate movement to put an end to the stranglehold of the fossil fuel industry and to reclaim power over our future. It is time for the Turnbull Government to stop blocking the necessary rapid transition so Australia can honour its international commitments.”