As Malcolm Turnbull finally forms Government, calls for both the Government and the ALP to work together to offer genuine climate solutions and take climate change out of a contested space.
“The 45th Parliament offers a chance for both major parties to work together to pass sensible legislation that will have a real impact on Australia’s emissions,” National Campaigns Director, Charlie Wood said.
“During the election, Mr Turnbull’s mantra was about jobs and growth. He needs to make good on that promise by providing the support and leadership we need to transform our energy system and create safe, clean and sustainable jobs. This means keeping fossil fuels in the ground and closing our dirty old coal-fired power stations and replacing them with renewables.”
“With a particularly difficult Senate looming, the Government must work with the ALP to tackle climate change and create the clean jobs of the future in a bipartisan way. We challenge both major parties to stop politicising climate and do what is right for Australia and the world.
“We have already seen climate change decimate some of the places we love most in Australia: the Tasmanian highlands and the Great Barrier Reef. It has also contributed to the ravaging of our farmland with drought.
“We have a small window of opportunity to act on climate and we can’t allow climate deniers in our Parliament to block and discredit real action.”
Media contact: Cambell Klose 0490 436 948