Today, to mark the return of Federal Parliament, climate activist organisations 350 Australia and GetUp have a six-metre long mobile billboard touring Parliament House. The billboard features the Prime Minister and Nev Power, the Chair of his hand-picked Covid-19 Commission who has strong ties to the gas industry. The billboard has the message:
‘ScoMo, ditch your gas mates, we want a clean energy future’

“We are bringing this message to politicians to urge them to stand up for Australians who want a Covid-19 recovery that puts the community first – not gas corporations,” said Lucy Manne, CEO of 350 Australia.
“The Covid-19 Commission’s peddling of support for fossil fuels under the cover of the pandemic lacks any credibility, and the Prime Minister must intervene to rule out any special deals for the dirty gas sector.
“Nev Power holds shares in a gas company and remains sitting on its board – yet he is involved in making recommendations to the Government about gas projects. The potential for conflicts of interest is clearly not being properly managed,” said Lucy Manne, CEO of 350 Australia.
GetUp’s First Nations Campaign Director Larissa Baldwin said “Communities across the country have been saying no to fracking for years because they know opening new gas fields would be a climate bomb, destroying country, sacred sites and water.
“Instead of propping up a new gas basin the Morrison Government has a unique opportunity to transform Australia by supporting diverse, future-facing industries which will reduce our emissions, grow jobs and support climate action. That’s the leadership people across the country want to see.”
Morrison’s hand-picked NCCC is increasingly under a cloud for its fossil fuel links and inadequate reporting, accountability and scrutiny mechanisms. More detail about Nev Power and his gas interests is here. 350 Australia’s “Fossil Fuel Watch” project examines the NCCC and its associated bodies, and links to the fossil fuel industry. It details concessions being sought by the fossil fuel industry during the Covid-19 crisis.
For further information and interviews:
Lucy Manne
CEO, Australia
0417 387 516
Amy Gordon
First Nations Justice Campaigner, GetUp