Cairns, Queensland. Mr Bill McKibben, US writer and founder of, who is today on a boat at the Opal Reef with Stop Adani Cairns and 350 Australia, has criticised Malcolm Turnbull’s funding package for the Great Barrier Reef.
Julie Bishop and Josh Frydenburg are in Cairns to announce a half billion dollar funding package for the Reef. Most funds are going to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, and are slated for improving water quality, controlling Crown of Thorns outbreaks and research.
Mr Bill McKibben, US writer and founder of, said: “Science is well aware of what is killing coral on the Great Barrier Reef. It’s the excess heat that comes from burning fossil fuels. If the Turnbull government was serious about saving the Reef they would be willing to take on the industry responsible for the damage.
“To simultaneously promote Adani’s coal mine, which would be one of the world’s largest, pretending to care about the world’s largest Reef is an acrobatic feat only cynical politicians would attempt.”
Spokesperson for Stop Adani Cairns, Ms Zelda Grimshaw, with Mr McKibben on the Reef today, said: “To protect our beautiful Reef we need to stop paying enormous subsidies to the big polluters – the coal, oil and gas industries.
“No amount of research will save the Reef from acidification and warming water. We need to address the problem at its source by phasing out existing coal, super-charging renewable energy projects and stopping the Adani mine.
“If Mr Turnbull wants a healthy future for our Reef, that means taking a stand and saying no to Adani”.
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