Your ability to raise your voice about issues you care about is under threat. The federal government wants to change laws that will silence charities, and make it all but impossible to continue our important work.
Particularly at risk is the right of charities to advocate for their issues – and organisations working on environmental and climate-based issues are especially targeted. When the financial stakes are high, as they are for the fossil fuel industry, it seems that democracy is expendable. That’s why Australia is taking a leading role in an alliance across the sector calling on the federal government to keep their #HandsOffOurCharities.
Visit the Hands Off Our Charities alliance website for more information.
We’re already moving towards a future without fossil fuels – but it’s time to accelerate our response. As a part of 350 Australia’s push to make sure that climate change will be front and centre of every election going forward, our founder, Bill McKibben, came back to Australia at the end of April and early May in 2018 as part of a global effort to accelerate climate action.
The world is acting on climate change, while Australia’s politicians are held back by coal lobby groups like the Minerals Council of Australia. We call on all companies and politicians to cut all ties with this anti-climate action industry lobby group.