This week, world leaders are gathering for an emergency United Nations Climate Summit in New York City. Australia’s Prime Minister is in the United States at the same time, but infuriatingly, he can’t be bothered #ShowingUp to this critical summit.
This is unacceptable and doesn’t represent the fierce, overwhelming enthusiasm that Australians have for strong climate action, as we demonstrated on Friday with our biggest ever climate mobilisation – a massive 350,000 people in the streets in over 100 cities and towns.
Right now, there are truckloads of people new to the movement wondering how to continue #ShowingUp for climate action post-strike. Not to mention, all eyes are on the #ClimateSummit and Australia’s shameful absence.
We’re taking this opportunity to launch a photo action, to:
- Seed ideas and inspiration through the movement of how to keep #ShowingUp for climate action after Friday’s massive strike!
- Demonstrate to the world that the Australian government’s negligence does not represent us – that we will keep #ShowingUp for a livable future, no matter how backwards our government might be.
Okay, so what do you need to do?
- Get a piece of paper and write down one way you’re #ShowingUp for climate action (it can be something you’re already doing, or something you pledge to do after the #ClimateStrike!)
- Take a selfie with your paper
- Post it on social media, and tag #ShowingUp #ClimateSummit and @350Australia.
Example captions:
- Scott Morrison maybe be absent from the UN #ClimateSummit, but Australians are #ShowingUp without him. Here at home I’m #ShowingUp for climate action by going to the ‘Don’t Frack the NT’ action on October 16. How are you #ShowingUp for a livable future? @350Australia
- I’m an Australian #ShowingUp for climate action by demanding GHD stop working with Adani to build the disastrous Carmichael mine. Don’t let @ScottMorrisonMP’s absence from the UN #ClimateSummit fool you – we demand climate action! @350Australia
- All eyes are on the UN #ClimateSummit that @ScottMorrison is refusing to attend. He’s the odd one out! Australians everywhere are #ShowingUp for climate action. I’m getting my workplace to switch to a clean energy provider. We deserve a clean energy future! @350Australia
- Australia may have poor representation at the UN #ClimateSummit, but here at home we’re relentlessly #ShowingUp for climate action. Today I’m #ShowingUp by donating to people-powered movements working to stop fossil fuels and transition to 100% renewable energy. What about you? @350Australia