May 4, 2016

Labor’s plan to abandon ARENA “deeply troubling” says

SYDNEY, 4th May: calls Labor’s decision not to reinstate $1 billion in funding for ARENA a terrible move that is out of touch with Australians deep support for renewable energy.

“Aussies everywhere love renewable energy, yet here is the Labor Party looking to slash funding to renewables,” said’s Isaac Astill. “That’s not the move of a party that wants to lead Australia at the next election.”

“If Labor wants to differentiate itself from the Coal-ition and be worthy of governing from July, then they must not mirror the Government’s destructive stance on climate change. That means boosting money for clean energy, not slashing it. That means coming up with a serious plan to move Australia beyond dirty fossil fuels,  and not ignore the need to wind down the coal export industry.

“It’s deeply disappointing that ARENA was established under a Labor Government yet now the Party says it will get rid of it if elected. Are they for or against clean energy? It’s time for Labor to draw a line in the sand and let voters know.

“Labor has prided themselves on creating investment stability for the renewable energy industry. Slashing $1 billion from research support for this industry is throwing the renewable industry back into turmoil.”

“Australians are looking for a vision from our politicians which will protect our communities from dangerous climate change and clean up our polluted politics. Cutting money for clean energy has no part in that vision.

“If Labor wants to distinguish itself from the climate blockers and fossil fuel lovers in the Coal-ition, it will commit to funding for vital clean energy investment vehicles like ARENA and it will put on the table a serious plan for transitioning away from fossil fuels, ending coal exports, phasing out subsidies to the big polluters and banning donations from fossil fuel companies.

“With an election around the corner, it’s time to clean up our polluted politics, not keep it polluted by slashing clean energy funding,” concluded Astill.

Media enquiries: Cam Klose 0490 436 948 or Charlie Wood 0427 485 233