October 26, 2016

Turnbull Government’s faith in coal will kill the Reef: 350.org Australia

50.org Australia says the Turnbull Government’t policies could spell the end of the Great Barrier Reef after a new study out today that shows the recent bleaching event was the worst ever recorded and that coral has continued to die more than six months on.

“There is no quicker way to kill the Great Barrier Reef than by opening up one of the largest new coal mega-mines with the Adani project,” 350.org National Campaigns Director, Charlie Wood said.

“Over the past week we have seen Malcolm Turnbull morph back into Tony Abbott as he threatens to attack environmental groups that work to protect Australia’s iconic natural places – like the Great Barrier Reef – and declares that coal is the future for Australia.

“Not only do his policies condemn the world to devastating global warming but they will also send a wrecking ball through the Queensland Reef tourism industry – worth $6 billion and employing more than 69,000 people.

“Prime Minister Turnbull’s rhetoric may endear him to his mates in the fossil fuel industry and the Queensland Resources Council, but it is out of touch with the majority of Australians who want to see action on climate change and the Reef saved for future generations to enjoy.”

Media contact:

Cambell Klose 0490 436 948