With just a couple of weeks to go until The Global Work Party things are heating up. Here in Sydney we have been speaking to event organisers all over the country and feeling more and more inspired everyday. Together we are making Australia a better place. From planting a wildlife corridor to riding a bike to your place of worship to communal vegetarian meals, we are making a tangible difference in our communities as well as leading by example. We have a new Environment Minister who needs to be reminded that Australians care about our climate, so much that we are rolling up our sleeves ourselves to get to work. To make this day the best it can be there are a few things we need each and every one of you to do, if you haven’t already! 1. Go to 350.org/map and find an event near you! Shoot an email to the event organiser and join in a work party. If there isn’t one near you- make your own. 2. Think about a great visual of your day! Try to depict “350″ somehow in your photo–as well as our theme of “Get to Work!” way to do this is with a home-made banner. You can check out some possible ideas for banners here.Make sure you send in your pictures of the day to photos@350.org so we can add it to the giant global petition. 3. Check out the ‘Media’ page of the site to see how you can whip up some great media coverage in your local area. With Ban Ki Moon endorsing the Global Work Parties, Bill McKibben killing it on the Letterman show and creative actions happening all over the world, the momentum is growing toward a revolutionary day of climate solutions. I hope you will be a part of it.