350.org Australia says that today’s decision by ENGIE to close the Hazelwood power plant – the dirtiest coal fired power station in the OECD – highlights the need for a nationally coordinated plan to phase out Australia’s coal generators.
“Today’s decision is good news for the climate and local community who will benefit from Hazelwood no longer spewing out its dirty pollution or crowding out clean energy, but that’s just half the story,” 350.org Campaigns Director, Charlie Wood said.
“More than anything, today’s decision highlights the need for a nation plan for coal closure. We know that to meet our Paris Commitments, Australia’s coal power stations need to be phased out over the next decade. This must be done in a way that allows local communities to plan for the future.
“It is essential that both the State and Federal Governments invest in a strong transition package for the Valley, including the creation of clean, safe and alternative energy jobs.
“This is a real wakeup call for Australia’s biggest carbon polluter – AGL -who runs the Loy Yang power station in the Latrobe Valley. AGL urgently needs to start planning for the closure of their coal fired power stations. They owe it to the community to provide a closure timeline that honours the climate science and includes plans for rehabilitation and post-coal industry in the region.”
Media contact:
Cambell Klose 0490 436 948