Yesterday Federal Resources Minister Keith Pitt opened public consultation on 49 potential areas for the 2020 offshore petroleum exploration acreage release.
Commenting on the announcement, Australia CEO Lucy Manne said, “Opening up more oil and gas licenses off Australia’s coastline is yet another concession from this government to the fossil fuel lobby who are attempting to use the COVID-19 global health pandemic to further their agenda.
“The science is clear – we simply cannot afford to open new fossil fuel basins and must rapidly transition to renewable energy. Every climate scientist on earth will tell you, you can’t drill your way out of the climate crisis.
“It’s critical that the economic recovery to the COVID-19 crisis puts people first, and creates a fairer, cleaner economy – but instead the Morrison Government is choosing to back their mates in industries of the past.”
Media contact: Lucy Manne, 0417 387 516,