Tasmania recently experienced a record-breaking drought that has parched much of the state and led to the worst bushfires in memory.
This isn’t happening in isolation. Record-breaking temperatures have robbed the Arctic of its winter; February was the hottest month ever; Western Australia also had bushfires that were so fierce they created their own weather system.
The Northern Hemisphere recently hit 2 degrees above normal temperatures, 84 years ahead of the 2100 deadline we gave ourselves.
Far from being something that the planet would experience in a hypothetical dystopian future, the effects of climate change are being felt right now. In very real and powerful ways.
It is to this backdrop that Bill McKibben is delivering the 6th Hobart Oration on 17, April.
Bill McKibben is a relentless campaigner and co-founder of 350.org, the first planet-wide grassroots climate change movement. He is also an influential author. But for the present, Bill has devoted most of his energy to tackling global inaction on climate change.
In delivering the Hobart Oration he will talk about the hottest year ever, and the hottest battle of our generation.
Bill will be introduced by Christine Milne, former leader of the Greens, and the event is open to all.
Tickets can be purchased for the event through the Bob Brown foundation.