November 3, 2016 calls on the NSW Government to detail how it will deliver on carbon neutral by 2050 pledge

SYDNEY, 3 November — Australia called on the NSW Government to provide on more details on its announcement today to be carbon neutral by 2050 and called on the Federal Government to stop blocking climate change action and assist states and companies in the necessary transition to a low carbon future.

“For this target to have meaning it must address the main cause of climate change: the digging up and burning of fossil fuels. The NSW Government must work with communities and companies like AGL, Origin and Energy Australia toward an orderly coal closure strategy so that the state can successfuly tranisition to the post-coal economy,” CEO Blair Palese said.

“Home to the largest coal port in the world at Newcastle, no climate change plan can properly address the issue without a drastic phase out of coal exports, commitment to keeping the state’s remaining fossil fuel deposits, including gas, in the ground. The state must  also re-initiate strong land clearing restrictions to ensure ramped up clearing doesn’t undo emissions reductions made elsewhere.

“Today’s announcement is yet another utter embarrassment for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and emphasises just how out of touch the Federal Government is as it continues to ignore the issue of our time — climate change. It also undermines the Government’s argument that only Labor Governments are announcing ambitious climate policies.

“Now is the time for Malcolm Turnbull and his Government to stand up and work for a bi-partisan climate solution for Australia. Otherwise he will go down in history as the last Australian Prime Minister who ignored the threat of climate change.”

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0490 546 948