CANBERRA, 7 November 2016 — Australia expresses disappointment that Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg today reacted to a report by prominent Australians calling on the Government to phase out polluting coal by reiterating his continued support for coal generated energy.
When questioned by Greens MP Adam Bandt about the ‘Our Energy Future’ report in Question Time, co-authored by AGL CEO, Andrew Vesey and former Governor General, Quentin Bryce, amongst others, Minister Frydenberg demonstrated the Government has no plan for Australia’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and to clean energy.
“It’s incredibly disappointing to see Minister Frydenberg continue to play politics with the future of Australia’s energy system and our climate,” said Campaigner Josh Creaser. “Today’s display in Question Time seems to emphasise what most people already know: the Turnbull Government has no plan for how Australia will transition to our clean energy economy despite signing onto the UN’s Paris Agreement to drastically reduce our greenhouse emissions.”
“When even the CEO of Australia’s biggest carbon polluter is asking the Government for a plan to get out of coal, and the request is belittled and ignored, it’s clear that the Turnbull Government becoming embarrassingly irrelevant on the most important issue of our time.
“It is time for the Government to pull its head out of the sand and confront the challenging transition ahead of us. Only a comprehensive transition plan to clean energy will see Australia meet our international climate commitments and provide the clarity that communities need to plan for their post-coal future.”
Media contact: Cambell Klose 0490 436 948