We’re certainly not finishing 2018 without a fight!
As the year draws to close, it feels like a turning point is coming for climate action in Australia.
In this final month of the year, we are seeing sustained pressure on politicians of all stripes to commit to real climate action and grassroots groups stepping up to fill the leadership void!
It’s a fitting end to a huge and successful year – and we’re ready to maintain the momentum for change in 2019.

This year couldn’t have happened without you. Together we:
- Celebrated the milestone of 1000+ institutions committing to divest over $11AUD trillion from fossil fuels since the beginning of 350’s #FossilFree campaign!
- Made #StopAdani and climate change the biggest issues of the Batman and Wentworth by-elections, and put opposition to the Adani coal mine on front pages nationally. We’ll be keeping the election efforts going in 2019 with the Vote #1.5 campaign.
- Set the agenda for climate action in Australia with the #RiseForClimate events, where we called for a stop to all new fossil fuel projects and a fast + fair transition to 100% renewable energy. In Australia, more than 6,000 people attended over 56 local events, as part of a global effort which saw 250,000 people take part in over 900 events in 95 countries.
- Delivered copies of the crucial IPCC 1.5°C special report to over 60 federal MPs and Senators around the country. We put the focus back on the science!
- Brought 350 co-founder Bill McKibben to Australia for the Accelerate Climate Action tour which saw five “inspiring”, “important”, “hopeful”, and “persuasive” public talks attended by more than 1800 people; and livestreamed the talks which allowed another 23 community groups and hundreds of people nationally to hear the Accelerate message.
- (Oh, and we’re making a film of the Accelerate Climate Action tour which we will use as a tool in our campaigns next year – stay tuned! As well as featuring Bill McKibben, the film includes voice-over work from Mia Wasikowska, Rachel Ward, Jack Thompson, Sean Keenan, and Simon Baker.)
- Worked with dozens of partner organisations to ensure the NEG (National Energy Guarantee) did not become law by asking the 350 community to contact state ministers with their concerns before the CoAG Energy Ministers Summit – and then rallied for a public protest in front of the CoAG Energy Ministers’ Forum itself.
- Launched two reports: 350 Australia’s Heroes building the low-carbon economy to highlight the positive stories of people building a better future; and a report by UTS, Future Super and 350, 7.7% of Australia’s super could fund 100% renewable energy by 2030.
- Put pressure on the Korean Embassy and investors to #StopAdani – which resulted in a statement from the Korean embassy that no Korean investors planned to finance the Adani coal mine.
- As a founding partner in the Hands Off Our Charities alliance, we fought attacks by the federal government on civil society, including the right to advocate on issues important to Australians. This extraordinary alliance halted these legislative threats and now has a forward-looking democracy campaign.
- Our impressive young leaders in Fossil Free groups around the country made headway in every state. In January, the University of NSW announced a plan to become 100% solar powered. This move came after more than four years of campaigning by Fossil Free students and staff. And in December, the University of Newcastle announced that they will now buy 100% renewable energy – after students and staff asking the university to tackle climate change.
- Grassroots groups continued to take creative, community-based action around the country – such as 350 Central Queensland staging a protest at the Rockhampton River Festival, which was sponsored by none other than Adani! In Western Australia, 350 Perth’s work saw two councils – Kalamunda and Serpentine-Jarrahdale – commit to divest from fossil fuels.
Phew! Everything we achieved this year is thanks to the 350 community – that’s you.
But we know that next year our efforts need to be even bigger, bolder and louder.
Because of you, 2019 will see a federal election dominated by the issue of climate change. We’ll be ramping up our calls for climate action in the lead up to the federal election, with plans to make Vote #1.5 – that’s voting to keep global warming under 1.5°C – the focus in every single electorate. And while Adani is still saying they plan to start digging coal before Christmas, we will #StopAdani. Just watch.
Does anyone else feel like 2019 is the year we finally beat the climate blockers? We can’t wait to keep winning with you.
Wishing you a safe and restful summer break.
PS. As an independent not-for-profit organisation, 350 Australia relies entirely on public donations. Becoming a monthly donor will make you a Climate Defender, and you will be contributing directly to cutting-edge campaigns to address the climate crisis. Consider becoming a regular giver Climate Defender this Christmas, and help us look forward and plan how we best use our resources in the coming year.